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Benefits Assisting Retired K9s

BARKs was created to give back to retired K9 officers for their role of serving and

protecting our communities.


  • To help retired and disabled K-9s that were unconditionally dedicated to protecting and service us.


  • To educate and create awareness among the general public of the dedicated and unconditional service police K-9s provide to our communities, and provide some support for those officers and families that take on full responsibility to providing for their care after being disabled or retired.

We understand that each K-9 is different:

Bomb dogs, drug dogs; search and rescue dogs...they are all different and have different skills ...but all are equally valuable to protecting us and our communities.

Typically when a police K-9 is disabled or retired, they are offered to the handler or put up for adoption.

Either way - unfortunately the departments they served cut off all support as of their last day of work. We all agree that our law enforcement officers are underpaid and as a pet or as a service dog - food and veterinary care comes at a price.

We are aware that at different times in our lives, each of us may need some help - and our organization is dedicated to helping defray some of the costs for those retired and disabled K-9s during their retirement years.

The average working life of a law enforcement K-9 is 7 years; and the average life span of a retired law enforcement K-9 is about 2 years after retirement or disability.

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